Thursday, 10 April 2008

April- Changing Times: Posted by Kevin

A year on from the last post! Great to see that this blog is used way too frequently.
Recently Liv and Jason have moved to Crawley, abandoning us Canterburians to set up home elsewhere. You guys will be greatly missed, although we do hope to see each other regularly or at infrequent intervals at the very least.
the past year and a half training with Jason, for me, has been an amazing experience from which i have learnt so much and had my eyes opened, for which I can never repay, but I know that helping others is what Jason loves so that is that!
No doubt at all that he's had an impact on myself and others, consequently reaching out to the Kent community, which is developing in skills and knowledge in a way that wouldn't have been achieved without Jason as a catalyst!
Arriving at the gym when Jason was coaching for the first time, I knew that I would spend time training with him; but I had no idea to what extent that would be or that I would eventually see him to be a friend more like family. We've learnt from each other, pushed each other and developed as ourselves and our movement over the past 18 months or so, and in this time i feel that i have developed more in myself than i would have without you guys.
Sam's quit parkour because Jason's gone. JOKE. He'll still be training with us on a regular basis!
Basically I wanted to make this post to say thanks for everything! Hope to train with you guys again soon. x

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