Thursday, 21 December 2006

21st Dec 06
post by: Jason

I'm Done!

I have just finished the missions that we set-why did Diz, Justine and Spence not post?... hmmm, c'mon man bring it on! I still have some energy left in me ;-) Back to reality, I am more than un happy at the moment with my training and the missions tonight just made me feel even worse about my self because i really struggled with all of it. To get the 100 pistols out of me was like blood from a stone and i had to do it in 3s and 2s only getting to 70 with loads of little breaks, then i nearly gave up on the 30m sprinting count down press ups because it was making me so mentally week thinking about how week i was as i ran to the other end. It makes me feel so bad to think that i am supposed to be a Traceur and i have this pathetic level of strength, power, speed, fitness and technique, then because i had got into such a bad way emotionally i gave up on Ash's mission after the end of the running press ups down to zero- i didn't do the jogging back up to ten nor did i do the sit ups (I'm so cool)

Basically i am in a horrible place right now were i don't want to talk to any one about my training and i don't even want to train with any one any more because i see people like Joe and Guy from NG who i got stated in parkour and helped teach doing so much better than me and i just get this sick upset feeling deep inside me that makes me want to cry,(NO JOKE) i HATE IT!! This feeling is not just from parkour and the training, i just feel like i have lost direction in my life. I am going to use what little time i have over the christmas and new year holidays staying with my grandma to find my self and find out what i really want from parkour? I will use the new year as a fresh start, I will only be training on my own to help me keep focused from now on, It will be hard for me to train on my own all the time but i think its important so i can feel better about my self , my training and focus on who and what i want to be.

Safe Journeys,

Jason Matten.


joe said...

yo jasonman i wanna say that to me you are not a weak traceur but an inspiration for me and everyone in NG, we will always look up to you as the awesome man.

teg wishes you a happy christmas and happy new year and hopes you get your training back on track, as do we all. he cant wait to see you in janurary.


Anonymous said...

Yo Jason! it's jason ere from Crawley if ya rememba :S omg i loooove this blog :D lol i just wanted to say i've always thought of you as one of the best so you cant say that you're a weak traceur! I remember the times when you used to come into my school (Hazelwick) and teach us. haha what great times... well hope you had a great xmas!
